YearCompass, The Year Ahead

This is what my next year will be about:

Take a look at the areas of your life and decide your goals for each of them for the next

Year. Write those goals down — this is the first step towards realizing them.

  • personal life, family

  • career, studies

  • friends, community

  • relaxation, hobbies, creativity

  • physical health, fitness

  • mental health, self-knowledge

  • habits that define you

  • a better tomorrow*

* What will you do next year to leave the world in a better shape than you found it?

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I’m Ilona Ang. I’m an expat, a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. Here I share with you those gems of information that “already have been said, but nobody was listening to.” Welcome!

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


The Lame Goat. Rumi