The Feelings Wheel.

We do not always find words for expressing ourselves. Sometimes we don’t even know that we are feeling off until it is too late and we snapped at our loved one again. 

Without understanding ourselves and communicating our needs to others effectively, we are missing a chance to deepen relationships and improve our life.

This is when you might find The Feeling Wheel helpful. It was developed to help people understand themselves and to communicate how they feel to others. 

It is quite impossible to come up with any resolution if there is no basic awareness about the nature of your problem. Even more so, sometimes understanding how you feel is enough of an antidote to feeling bad. An act of looking at your emotion from the 3rd perspective, detaching yourself from it and simply acknowledging its existence does help you to regain control over yourself even if it doesn’t solve anything. 

Don’t believe us, just try it when you are feeling charged with negative emotions. 

“Bad emotions”

As we mentioned before, no emotions are bad. All are helping us to live our best life, guiding us through it. When we feel bad, it is our chance to understand what went wrong and come up with a solution to improve the situation. 

It sounds basic but you will be surprised how often we distract ourselves from our negative feelings just to not deal with them. It is easier that way but it is a dangerous path to take in a long term. 

So give it a try and let this tool be a turning point for you to make your life better. 

Use the comment section below to let us know how it went!

We Are Seed Publication!We make enriching posters for condominiums in Malaysia, building communities and spreading insights that matter to people.

We Are Seed Publication!

We make enriching posters for condominiums in Malaysia, building communities and spreading insights that matter to people.

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