The circle of  power.

Exercise for your eyes can help to ensure that the two eyes work together effectively. If you skip lines or words while reading, experience eyestrain, and headache eye exercises might be useful.


(reduces eye fatigue)

Start by rubbing your hands together to warm them up. Close your eyes and place the palm of each hand over the corresponding cheekbone. Cup your hand over each eye and breathe deeply.


(fights dry eye)

Close your eyes for two seconds, squeeze tight, then open them again. 

Figure Eight

(trains object tracking)

Pick a point on the floor (preferably 3 meters away from you). With your eyes, trace an imaginary figure eight. Continue for 30 seconds, then switch directions.

Pencil Push-Ups

Hold a pencil (or any pointy object) at arm’s length. Focus on the tip. Now slowly move the pencil towards your nose, keeping the tip single and focused. Once it goes double, draw it away from the eyes again. Repeat several times.

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