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The Art of Gift Giving.

Gift-giving is a wonderful social ritual and an opportunity to tell about your feelings to others. The best gifts communicate love, attention, respect and solidarity. 

However, despite being such an integral part of being human, often gift giving doesn’t receive its due thought.

Remember that time when you received a gift that made you stumble and question what the giver meant by that?

To not be one of such amateurs, and to say exactly what you mean, consider these points:

Concerning the giver and the recipient:

  1. First, the gift-giver. The gift is an extension of the giver, it reflects his character and is as good as the giver himself. So, to give good gifts, we should first strive to be good people.

  2. Second, a gift is receiver-centred. It should be specifically chosen for a particular person taking into account his idiosyncrasies. When choosing a gift consider the person, the timing and the manner of giving.

  3. Third, think of your motivation. It shouldn’t be to manipulate, to make them favour you and similar less-than-pure ideas. The highest motivation and the one that should guide you is to show your love to the receiver.

Concerning the gift:

  1. A gift should encourage growth - spiritual, intellectual, and/or emotional.

  2. A good gift promotes good values. It could be used to encourage things like respect for others, morality, frugality, etc.

  3. You could also facilitate wanted behaviour using your gift. For example, giving a child something that promotes spending time with family or friends instead of alienating them. 

  4. Similarly, think if this gift promotes any unbecoming behaviour and attitudes, especially if the gift is for a child.

  5. Strive to encourage activity, movement or promote action in the receiver with your gift as stewardship of time and work is good for the well-being of persons.

  6. Aim to build gratitude, discipline and service to others with your gift rather than self-centred pleasure. 

  7. Instead of picking what is popular, try picking a gift that fulfils the real need and has some sort of purpose that is important to the receiver.

Happy gift picking!

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