Mind a word game?

Can you guess what these mean?


a) To cheat at roulette

b) To vote against someone

c) To win at bowls

Black sheep

a) Someone who mindlessly follows the example of others

b) Someone who is considered a disgrace to the family

c) A union member who goes to work while others are on strike


a) Aristocratic

b) Cowardly

c) Hot-tempered

Blue collar

a) Aristocratic

b) Involved in manual labour

c) Possessive, jealous

In a brown study

a) Deep in thought

b) Depressed

c) Sycophantic

Golden handshake 

A generous payment made ... a) in recognition of a job well done

b) when you narrowly fail to win a jackpot or star prize

c) when you retire or leave your job

(To have) green fingers

a) To be envious, especially of other people’s money

b) To have a natural talent for gardening

c) To be unsophisticated, foolishly trusting

Grey area

One that is a) dull

b) not clearly defined

c) set aside for future building development

Purple prose
Writing that is ... a) evocative of winter

b) unnecessarily elaborate

c) very dull

Red herring

a) A distraction

b) A fish dish popular in India c

) An untrustworthy person

Red-letter day

a) A day when disaster strikes

b) An important occasion

c) The last working day of the month

Red tape

a) Luxurious extras included in the price of a holiday

b) Tape scattered in celebration during a procession

c) Time-consuming official procedure


a) Always ready to start a fight

b) Cowardly

c) Frightening


a) Cowardly

b) Disloyal

c) A habitual liar

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