Love Myths.

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  • You have to sleep in one bed.

False: You don’t have to.

According to researches, half of all those who sleep together have sleep problems. The partners accidentally wake each other up throughout the night: pull the blanket, snore, push each other. As a result, both don’t have a good night’s sleep and wake up angry, which negatively affects relationships. 

If you sleep together only because you feel you are supposed to, and as a result feel discomfort, don’t torture yourself. Sleeping apart is sometimes a good way to improve relationships.

  • You can’t have holidays apart.

Not true!

If one prefers active holidays with shopping and tourism, and others like to lay on the sunbed all the way through, do not force each other! Moreover, often holiday dates are different for a wife and a husband. Then, it is better to rest apart than pass on it entirely. Just make sure your motivation is not to take a break from your partner ;) 

  • Dates are for two only.

Not only! 

Sometimes it is beneficial to have a double date with your friends. A couple that communicates with another couple feels happier than a couple that got self-absorbed. This phenomenon was proven by a study made by Wane University, USA. 

  • If he/she loves me, he thinks and feels like me.

Alas, this is an illusion.

Even the closest partners can see the world quite differently, which appears to be a reason for many arguments. Don’t forget, we see and feel the world in our unique way. It is normal. Not understanding this fact harms the relationships. 

  • We love each other. Therefore, we understand one another without words.


No matter how much you love each other, you need to be able to speak the words, expressing your desires and emotions. It is essential to know how to listen and to understand another person as well. True intimacy can only be reached by discovering each other anew every day.

  • “No” to plans! Let’s just enjoy our love right now.

Bad idea.

This position at the start of relationships often causes a total not understanding of each other in the future when your feeling is less extreme, and it appears that you have a very different outlook on the future. 

If you want to have a long-term relationship, plan your future together, and do not shy away from complicated questions - wedding plans, kids, finances, conflicts with relatives, a place to live in, etc. 

  • I will change him/her with my love!


This thought is a widespread myth for “saviors” in relationships. One partner jumps to solve another one’s problems, to heal, to protect, to make decisions for him/her. At the start, relationships may be strong. But then the “sick” one gets better, and he doesn’t need the “savior” anymore. Although, often, “the curing” is impossible because both partners benefit from this state.

  • If he/she is my soulmate, then the relationships will be easy and will arrange themselves.

Again, nope.

Many young couples think that the harmony between them should appear without any effort. When they face troubles in living together, they believe it is the end. They don’t try to go through these challenges. It is essential to understand that relationships may go through crises and demand effort, which is normal. It does not mean that your love is “not real”.

  • If passion left, it means the love passed.

Not so fast.

Passion goes down in any relationship. It is more up to your hormones. But passion can be brought back to the relationships where love exists. If there is no love, it won’t matter how much you try to maintain passion. So don’t be afraid that your love is lesser if the desire is. 

  • The couple has to have a definite role break.

You might want to rethink that.

It is a harmful myth that the wife has to only deal with kids and the house, and the husband provides the family with money. Many families suffer from such a strict division of roles.

Researches found out that the strongest couples are the ones where partners are interchangeable. The wife can maintain the house, and the husband can wash the floors. The wife can deal with kids, and the husband deals with their problems. The husband can earn money, and the wife, if necessary, can benefit to family finances. Flexibility is crucial for long-term healthy relationships. Where roles are carved in stone, cracks might appear, and they can break even big rocks.

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