How are you faring in life at this moment? Life Wheel exercise.


Life Wheel is a tool coaches use to help people determine what areas in their lives are neglected and have to be given more attention. Here is how to use it:

1) First, download the form and print it out. You can also draw your own wheel.

2) Choose the most important life areas for yourself, don’t simply follow our example on the poster. These areas vary for everybody as we all have our own priorities and needs. In the file, we give you several of them to choose. Write yours on your Wheel.

3) Now evaluate each area based on how satisfied you are about it from 1 (absolutely dissatisfied) to 10 (very happy). Mark each section with a correlating number.

4) Take a note of areas with the lowest numbers. Brainstorm what you can do right now to aid this area. For example: if your health mark is down, you can decide to do one exercise in the morning or eating one apple a day from now on.

5) The trick is to start small, working on 2-3 areas at a time until new actions become a habit.

Good luck!

We Are Seed Publication!We make enriching posters for condominiums in Malaysia, building communities and spreading insights that matter to people.

We Are Seed Publication!

We make enriching posters for condominiums in Malaysia, building communities and spreading insights that matter to people.

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