“I will be okay without knowing everything”, MHN.

Exchange your overthinking for overwhelming peace that says, "I will be okay without knowing everything. I will still be worthy of love if I can't fix everything. I can still have a meaningful life if I'm not where I thought I would be. Grace will still find me. Love will still find me. I can still have hope for tomorrow despite my uncertainty. I will keep going, anyway. And not by trying to conquer everything all at once, but by taking it day by day. Hour by hour. Breath by breath, knowing that every exhale is a sign of strength. I can be okay without knowing everything.”

Morgan Harper Nichols


I’m Ilona Ang. I’m an expat, a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. Here I share with you those gems of information that “already have been said, but nobody was listening to.” Welcome!

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