Financial fidelity for couples.

How we feel and think about money determines the way we treat it. For some it is a source of pride and comfort, for others, it might be a source of guilt, stress and shame.

We bring all these attitudes and feelings into our family relationships and often these different perspectives and values cause conflicts.

Although disagreements are normal, problems come when they are not navigated well. To make matters worse, behaviour such as hiding a bank account or snucking purchases is harmful to long-term unity.

When we think about intimacy and fidelity, we think of building closeness and togetherness with our partner. However, rarely do we bring these concepts into financial matters.

To reduce stress and tensions related to money it is important to be open and honest about it and to share information about income, expenses, debts and investments with your partner.

Couples practising financial fidelity can cultivate a sense of trust and understanding, facing and solving their disagreements about money in a constructive manner. They can also work towards common goals more effectively, helping each other to build a life they both desire.

Keeping money matters separately results in issues of transparency and equity with your partner and conflicts which are harder to work through.


I’m Ilona Ang. I’m an expat, a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. Here I share with you those gems of information that “already have been said, but nobody was listening to.” Welcome!

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Crossing The Bar. Alfred Tennyson, 1889.