Character is destiny.

“Character is destiny.”

Contrary to what we think, most of our choices are not often guided by our will or even directed to the goals we have. Often we are impulsive and choose easy roads that lead us to places we do not necessarily want to be in, out of natural inclinations of our nature. That is why developing a strong character should be our priority.

While there are many ways to go about that, we will explore here suggestions of Robert Greene from his book “The Laws of  Human Nature”:

1. Examine Yourself As Thoroughly As You Can.

Try to find all weaknesses and strengths you have by analysing patterns in your life, relationships you form, subjects you are drawn to. This knowledge will help you avoid unhelpful behaviour patterns you have gotten accustomed to, and you will be able to focus on your strong points – the skill you can leverage on in your career path.

2. Build Resilience.

By placing yourself in challenging situations, you will build your resilience to pressure and will slowly become better at handling yourself in difficult moments.


3. Pay Attention To Details.

In boring everyday tasks cultivate perseverance and greater patience.


4. Complete things you have started.

Take on tasks that are slightly above your level and work on your discipline in completing them.


5. Know how to work in a team.

Train yourself to always think about what is best for the team and learn to collaborate with people.


6. Become tolerant of people’s differences.

Develop flexibility in your character to accept others for who they are.


7. Make sure you sometimes go out of your way.

Try new things, strategies and do things differently from your usual way time to time to preserve the flexibility of your mind.

By working on these things, you will have greater ability in directing your fate through shaping yourself. Remember that your task is not to change your character, but to become yourself thoroughly.

Good luck in your endeavour!


We Are Seed Publication!We make enriching posters for condominiums in Malaysia, building communities and spreading insights that matter to people.

We Are Seed Publication!

We make enriching posters for condominiums in Malaysia, building communities and spreading insights that matter to people.

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