Beautify Your Home


This time of lockdown or WFH (although very tiring) might be a good opportunity to pay more attention to your living space. 

Not only it will let you exercise control in times of uncertainty, but making home beautiful and comfortable for your living will provide a therapeutic effect and help ease anxieties and depression.

Here are a few tips for creating a space that resonates with your values and intentions and provides psychological and physical comfort. 

  1. Take a pen and paper and think about the purpose of the space you are targeting. Perhaps, start with the room you spend the most time in. What would you like to do in that space? Are there any routines linked to it? Brainstorm and mind map for a while.

  2. Look at your answers. Do they feel right? Sit back and take a few deep breaths. Listen to your feelings. If you are unsatisfied, try brainstorming again later. This step may take a few days for some, whereas others will get answers quickly.

  3. Now, think about what objects and interior fixes would be needed to serve your intentions? Aim to make the room beautiful as well as functional and comfortable. Write down some ideas, keeping in mind your budget. We suggest starting small and make do with what you already have first.

  4. Time to make it a reality! Pace yourself and start making the room your ideal spot. 

Don’t forget to enjoy the process! ;)

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